Developed by dog lover Kendra Snavely, these dog treats are incredible! Kendra sent us a sample and take it from me – these salmon skin training treats are extremely motivating and are HIGH HIGH VALUE TREATS!
I talked to Kendra and asked her to tell us about her business and her background with dogs.
Kendra, how did your salmon skin treat business happen and what is your connection with dogs?
“I accidentally got into this business because I asked a friend who owns a sushi chain restaurant what he does with his skins, his answer was they threw them away and I asked if I could have them. And Fishskinbites was born. Now I am developing the bones and hides from grass fed wagyu beef cows and turning them into treats for our dogs.
I was raised on a horse farm in upstate NY and we had dogs. I rode horses every day and competed on weekends. And…….I eventually moved to Boston after college and I waited 8 years to get a dog because I was in the city, but alas, I caved and got a Brittany Spaniel named Emma Jones and I vowed to let her run off leash every day no matter what a minimum of 1 hour a day. I trained her off leash in the city and her quality of life was exceptional. She went up to heaven 2 years ago at the age of 16. I am grateful every day for her. So, I really like working with people such as yourself because I believe that you make dogs feel useful and with purpose and safe because you take the time to train them and their owners which gives them a purpose every day.”
Thank you Kendra for thinking of Dog Trainers Connection and we are glad that you appreciate what we do for dogs and their owners!
To find out more about her Fishskinbites and try them yourself go to her website
These are some of the best Training Treats I have found and I trained my Elkhound Akira to wave using therm
And if you think that’s easy, you’ve never trained an elkhound!