Michael Shikashio is one of fewer than 200 Certified Dog Behavior Consultants in the world but when it comes to giving straightforward, practical and uncensored information about working with aggressive dogs – he’s one of a kind!
In this recorded Mini-Webinar, Michael’s mission is to give you all the information you need to stay safe when you work with an aggressive dog.
- You learn the FIX for the “…but it was only a nip” syndrome. Michael tells you exactly what questions to ask the owner on the phone before you meet the dog so there are no surprises about Fluffy’s bite history!
- You get a list of what to wear to avoid injury and how to prepare in advance for an emergency.
- You will see pictures of equipment and equipment set-ups so you know how to protect yourself once you start working with the dog.
- Michael illustrates how to “do the dance” with the dog to protect yourself while you’re sitting taking notes or talking with the owner.
- Michael illustrates the different types of dog fights and teaches you the correct way to break them up as well as giving you a list of the tools that he likes to carry in his training bag.
Michael says:
“I treat every aggression case as if the dog has a long history of very damaging bites. This “overkill” approach is the best way to keep you safe – you certainly don’t want to be the first person a dog with blossoming aggression issues has bitten!”
Take this 30 Minute Solutions™ journey with Michael Shikashio and learn what you need to do to protect yourself and others around you when you work with aggressive dogs.
Experienced trainers you can get some tips to add to your toolbox!
Michael Shikashio, CDBC, is one of fewer than 200 Certified Behavior Consultants in the entire world certified through the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC). He’s also President of IAABC which is an organization that includes the top animal behavior professionals leading the field in animal behavior consulting and training around the world. He’s an honor graduate of the renowned Connecticut K-9 Education Center certified by the Board of Governors for Higher Education and Training and Behavior Consultant for American Lab Rescue Inc., For The Love Of Labs, and B.O.N.E.S. Beagle rescue organizations. Michael has been Interviewed by numerous media outlets across the country, including the New York Times, Baltimore Sun, and New York Post. He is a featured member and case study contributor to APDT’s “Chronicle of the Dog” magazine and a featured guest on “The Leash Aggression Classroom” Podcast. http://www.completecanines.com/